Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today's lesson

1. Capitalism is inherently competitive and produces vast inequities. Capital flows upward.

2. Democracies--at least the functional kind, in theory--are predicated on the fundamental equality of their citizens, each of whom has a potentially equitable say in the collective good.

3. The basic job of a government--its raison d'etre, the fundamental premise under which we give our "consent"--is to provide greater stability than individuals can achieve independently.

4. Our government is currently using our collective wealth to bail out private corporations, NOT so as to protect the small shareholders or prevent further foreclosures, but to maintain the obscene wealth accruing to the richest people in the nation. Why is it okay--even desireable--to "rescue" irresponsible corporations, AND simultaneously "infantilizing" to "rescue" the most vulnerable victims of corporate greed? If only we could borrow a page from Japan, where disgraced and overpaid CEOs routinely commit suicide when their corporate misdeeds are exposed? I'm only sort of kidding.

Your assigned reading? Naomi Klein's new book. Just don't buy it from a giant mega-chain bookstore.

As you were, everyone.

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At 9:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

is amazon a giant mega chain?

At 9:10 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Well, kinda...if you can, you and I should probably both get it from a small independent bookseller, just on principle. I DO love me some Amazon, though...


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