Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Everyone else is doing it...

...so here's a note I only wish I could send:

Dear Obsequious Sorority Girl,

Thank you for the lovely and thoughtful thank you note that you carefully made sure I received before the final exam. It's lovely to know that mine was the best class that you ever took, that you learned more from me than from any other professor on campus, and that you really, really really look forward to taking another class from me soon! And that you want me to have the best! summer! ever! The only thing that might have impressed me even more is if you had not inadvertently put Professor X's note in my envelope, and the identical note to me in hers. Oops!

xes and oes,
Professor Dorcasina

P.S. Your excellent class participation in discussion will indeed be assessed in light of the private conversations you and your "sisters" insisted on having during class while I or someone else was speaking.

(Actually, as much as I enjoy reading the horror stories, I have [knock wood] not had a single grade challenge, request for last-minute extra credit, or demand that I reschedule the final to accommodate some student's snorkeling trip to Dubai. And that one student who, when I asked, "Are there any questions," said, "Can I have an 'A'"--well, he must have been kidding, right? Right?)

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At 12:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:40 PM , Blogger Yankee T said...

Classic, indeed.

At 4:28 PM , Blogger Julia said...


At 8:10 AM , Blogger OTRgirl said...

I read this the other day and came back to re-read it. It still makes me laugh. You must be a fantastic teacher, given your wit and wisdom.


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